Who was Saint Patrick ? This is a question that could easily be asked with many different answers, most lightly many of the answers would contain; snakes and a drum! However this same question has been asked for centuries and through the archives I find the answer contained in the Cork Examiner 11th March 1893. You can download the page from The Cork Examiner 11 March 1893 Page 12 below:
The journalist who wrote the article has a little bit of fun stopping a local man and questioning his reason for wearing the shamrock on the 17th March and asking "who was St. Patrick ?"
Although the local man known as Pat; doesn't have the answers the journalist investigates the legend of St Patrick and tells the story of sorcery and magic. Not only did St Patrick banish all the snakes from Ireland but he also laid waste to the fertile lands of the Druids and eventually had the land swallow them up!
Enjoy the Cork Examiner 11 March 1893 below:
Irish Examiner 1841-current, Saturday, March 11, 1893
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