The de Freyne evictions, 1902
This week and celebrate St Patricks Day new titles were added to the Irish Newspaper Archive. These titles include Roscommon Champion 1944 – 2010; the Roscommon Journal 1828 – 1927; the Roscommon Messenger 1849 – 1935; the Strokestown Democrat 1913-1948, and the Roscommon & Leitrim Gazette 1822 – 1882. Such a focus on one Irish county allows readers to pour into the past in such detail as never before. Take for example the theme of eviction in the early 20th Century in county Roscommon which gave rise to much agitation in the decade. In 1902 the Roscommon newspapers widely reported on evictions on the de Freyne estate which provides a wealth of social and family history in one report.
The De Freyne Evictions
The evictions on the estate of Lord De Freyne were continued on Friday and Saturday. We append the particulars of some of the cases , which shew the very heavy law heaped on the tenants. A journey of a few miles brought the party to the house of Thomas King, of Feigh. The rent of the holding is £9 11s. Though nominally held by Thomas King, the real tenant is his son, Bernard, who, with his wife and little children, live in the house, and are a most industrious, hard-working couple. Bernard's father and mother also reside in the house, which is a fairly substantial-looking structure. The younger Mrs King is a refined intelligent-looking woman. she spent fourteen years in America, and during that time, in addition to sending money home to her father and mother, she saved £113, with which she returned to Ireland and married Bernard King. The latter is a fine, strapping looking fellow, who gave the evictors a tough task before they succeeded in dislodging him from his home. When the Sheriff's party arrived they found the doors strongly barricaded, Berbard King stood at a small open window in an attitude of angry defiance. The sub-sheriff and Mr Flanagan approached him, escorted by a number of police.
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