Strikes in the 1920s and the Irish Radical Newspapers
Post Independent Ireland, in the early 1920s, was in many ways dominated by strikes and industrial action as workers clamoured for basis and proper working rights. The era saw the rise of trade unionism and others who sought to fight for and protect the worker. All across Ireland local branches sprung up fighting for the rights of various workers and professions. One of the best places, if not the best, to try and understand this unrest and period of action, is the Irish Radical Newspapers by the INA. This example from the Irish Worker newspaper in 1924 illustrates the information which is at hand in these newspapers:
A strike is in progress in Tullamore and has now entered its fifth week. The men involved are members of the Transport Union, the majority of them being employed by the different shops as yardmen, stablemen, drivers, etc. The Death Battalions of the Injunction Executive " have been sent down to Tullamore, led by "Captain" Cathal 0'Shannon. Last Sunday the famous Transport Band travelled to Tullamore, to aid in raising some money for those strikers who were not receiving strike pay. 120 men are on strike, thirty-five of these being in benefit and therefore receiving dispute pay. When Cathal entered the town he told them that he had £60,000 behind him, yet in order that the 85 non-benefit, members might receive some little help each week it is necessary that collections should be made in the town from shopkeepers and other monied folk. £60,000? Yes, but you must remember that Cathal said " behind him." There's a big difference. The programme on Sunday was made up of a football match and two concerts. The Band played at the match and the concerts. The gate receipts from the match were about £15. The expenses of the Band amounted to £32, including £17 for dinners. After paying these expenses the strikers found that no money was left to aid them. So evidently the Band was of great assistance to the men on strike. Vennard, at a meeting of the men, when asked for a balance sheet of the day's proceedings, declined to give one until the strike is over. He informed the men that he and Jim Larkin were not -opponents. We had a little falling out," he said. We wondered why he did not reply at Wexford; we suppose he didn't wish to widen the breach. We hope the strikers at Tullamore win out, and we, on our part, are prepared to aid them in every way possible, despite the fact that they are Transport Union members. We do not carry enmity of the Transport Executive down to the rank and file. We are not going to ask our members to act as scabs on Transport strikers and thereby follow the example of the Transport Executive. This Union is a Union, not a scab-herding organisation. We wish good luck to the Tullamore strikers and hope they succeed.
For more information search the pages of the Irish Radical Newspaper Archive.