Tralee & the Great Famine During the winter of 1846 the effects of the Famine and the continued failure of the potato blight was acutely felt in the west of Ireland. None more so than county Kerry. In the town of Tralee, as the Kerry Examiner reported on Christmas Day 1846, the harrowing effect of hunger was severely felt by families such as the Connells. The report notes the death of Michael Connell, widower, and the f...
In May 1847 the Kerry Evening Post newspaper reported on the distress then prevalent in county Cork and in particular in the Castlemartyr area: On Thursday last, about two o'clock, about 500 persons assembled at Castlemartyr, and proceeded to the residence of Lord Shannon to ask for relief. Their conduct was very violent, and they tried to force into his Lordship's demesne, but, with some difficulty, they were induc...
Remembering Daniel O’Connell On this day in 1947 the Irish Examiner provided an insight into the final months of the ‘Liberator’, the Great ‘Daniel O’Connell who died in Italy in May 1847. JUST one hundred years ago Daniel O'Connell, on his way to Rome, had left Paris lor Lyons, where it was intended he would rest, for the Liberator, who had given life service to his nation, was now an infirm man. The journ...
On March 29 1957 the Belfast Newsletter, amongst most of the other Irish newspapers in our collection, ran with the news of the death of the celebrated Irish painter, Jack B. Yeats. A brother o the celebrated poet, William Butler Yeats, his obituary highlighted his numerous achievements. Here the Belfast Newsletter gave an overview of his career: MR. JACK YEATS: Noted Irish painter Mr. Jack Yeats, the painter, died in Du...
Munster Express 1860-current, Friday, March 19, 1999 St. Patrick's Day greetings from President Mary McAleese St. Patrick's Day greetings from President McAleese "Warmest St. Patrick's Day greetings for 1999. This, the last St. Patrick's Day of the 2nd Millennium, is a particularly special day for Ireland and the Irish family throughout the world. Today Ireland stands on the brink of an era of unpr...
Explosion in Beresford Place News from 100 years ago 07.March.1923 - Evening Herald Practicialy on the stroke of 6 o'clock this moring the sound of a terrific explosion reverberated all over the centre of the city, and it was subsequently ascertained that the block of buyidlings situated in the cresent in front of the ruins of the Custom House had been blown up. A member of the C.I.D., Mr P.J Kelly who wa...
The Fenian Rising of 1867 In 1967 the anniversary of the Fenian Rising of March 1867 was commemorated across the country. In December 1966 the Irish Examiner reported that: CENTENARY OF FENIAN RISING: Preparations are being made to commemorate, next year, the Fenian Rising of 1867 in Kilmallock, Co. Limerick, a town which took an active part in the Rising. A monument to the Unknown Fenian and others who died in the Risin...
Elizabeth O’Farrell and the 1916 Rising If you have read about Padraig Pearse’s surrender to General Lowe at the end of the 1916 Rising, you have probably heard a mention that he was accompanied by nurse Elizabeth O’Farrell. But do you know how she was involved? When she died in 1957, Irish newspapers paid glowing tributes to O’Farrell and her involvement in the 1916 Rising. Here the Irish Independent remembers her:...
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