Lady Fingall
Today’s post features the story of Lady Fingall, member of the Anglo-Irish aristorcracy but also sometime President of the Camogie Assocition and first president of the Irish Countrywoman’s Association (ICA). Married to the 11th Earl of Fingall, the family home was at Kileen Castle near Dunsany, county Meath. Born Elizabeth Burke, Lady Fingall lived a long a varied life (1862-1944).
Today, the ICA continues the work of Fingall and others, while Camogie continues to thrive amongst young girls across the country. In July 1926 the Irish Independent reported on a party hosted by Lady Fingall at Kileen Castle for the ICA:
Lady Fingall, President of the United Irishwomen, entertained a large party of International delegates to the Women's Congress at Killeen Castle where they met many members of the United Irishwomen's League. At the same time they wore given an opportunity of seeing an ancestral Irish home—an opportunity which was much appreciated, especially, one noticed , by the American and Hungarian delegates. Lord and Lady Fingall received the visitors as they arrived, Lady Fingall, wearing a smart black and white suit, with a black Bankok hat. Tea was served iri the diningroom, where many fine protraits excited a great deal of admiration. Later Lord Fingall showed the visitors around the Castle, which dates back to the twelfth century. He pointed out the old ruined church in which lie generations of dead and gone Plunkels. Afterwards Mrs. Rudd, a member ol the United Irishwomen, in a short speech, explained the aim of the League; how it began by working for the welfare of tho poor children, and finally included maternity nursing in its programme. Before tea a party ot delegates visited the Hill ot Tara, under the guidance of Miss Slattery. Before setting out for home the party was photographed, and everybody returned in a thoroughly appreciative mood.
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