James Fintan Lalor
James Fintan Lalor (1809-1849) was a prominent member of the Young Ireland movement of the 1840s. His writings, which were published at the peak of the Irish Famine, were fervent in their hatred of the landlord class as well as asserting the principle of the sovereign people’s right to the land of Ireland. Lalor would inspire another generation of Irish men and women who looked for both independence and access to land.
In 1949 on the centenary of his death, Lalor was remembered in county Laois the place of his birth. As the Irish Press reported:
LAOIS to-day fittingly honoured the memory of her greatest son, James Fintan Lalor, when every village and parish was represented at the centenary celebrations held in the county capital, which was decorated for the occasion. National, social and sporting organisations from every part of the county attended…
James Fintan Lalor, who was born at Tinnakill, Abbeyleix, in 1810, died on December 27, 1849. He had many associations with Portlaoise where, after leaving college, he was apprenticed to Dr. Jacob. After a short time he abandoned his studies and set out for France. From his return to Ireland, in 1832, until his death, his every effort was devoted to the service of his country. Speaking here at the Market Square to-day, Rev. J. O'Carroll, Salesian College, Ballinakill, said that James Fintan Lalor was the deepest thinker and greatest leader of all the Young Irelanders. The message of James Fintan Lalor was as urgent to-day as it was in the Famine days, namely, that no sod of Irish soil must be bartered or pawned to a foreign power, and the only laws that should bind were the laws made by the United Irish nation.
Very Rev. T. N. Burbage, P.P., Mountmellick, proposing a vote of thanks to Fr. O'Carroll, said that it was truly held that the people of the present generation did not realise the greatness of James Fintan Lalor. " It was, from Lalor," continued Father Burbage, " that the movement which broke the galling and iniquitous landlord system, which England had forged for the subjugation of this country, emanated." Lalor, like Wolfe Tone, saw that to have a free Ireland there must be unity between all classes and creeds. Step by step the policy put forward by Tone, and later by Lalor, had succeeded, so that today they had arrived at a reasonable state of social and political well-being. Father Burbage said unless complete independence was secured for the whole of Ireland, and the country's territory, culture, economy and industry was safeguarded by a National Army which could stand unchallenged in every part of the country, the Imperial power which had divided them, and conquered them, in the past could do so again…
This was followed by ceremonial marching of the Colours at Abbeyleix Road, where a parade of F.C.A. units, I.R.A., G.A.A., Gaelic League and other national organisations formed up. Accompanied by five bands, the parade, with banners of the different bodies, marched through the town, the salute being taken from a saluting base at Lr. Main Street. The contingents then marched to Market Square, where the addresses were given.
Other organisations which took part included Laoismen's Association (Dublin) and Mountrath Boy Scout Troop.
For more information on Lalor search the pages of the Irish Newspaper Archive (www.irishnewsarchives.com )