Another popular newspaper in 1920 was The Irish Statesman, the organ of the Irish Dominion League.
This weekly journal ran from June 1919 and had its final issue 100 years ago this month. Edited by Warre B. Wells and with contributions from W. B. Yeats, George Bernard Shaw, and George William Russell. In June 1920 among its contributors was Aodh de Blacam and Darrell Figgis. A political party formed to advocate for Dominion status for Ireland within the British Empire, it is included in its membership, both unionists and nationalists who were anxious to see a settlement between Britain and Ireland amid the ongoing conflict. The League's manifesto was first published in the journal's first issue. Significantly, much of
The Irish Statesman’s focus in June was given over to issues regarding Northern Ireland and what would become of the rest. ‘There would be no peace in the twenty-six counties’ the editor opined. The creation of Northern Ireland, it claimed, would be seen as giving Home Rule to the only part which never demanded it. The newspaper also provided a platform to argue international comparisons to Ireland including in India where nationalist movements were agitating for change.
Download Source: The Irish Statesman, 12 June 1920, page 1