Radical newspapers continued to report on the activity of the military who, very much on the back foot, up the ante in terms of targeting suspected republicans and their homes.
The backlash also coincided with the upsurge in activity of the republican police and in many areas, incidents were directly related. In Lismore, county Waterford the military fired into the home of J. Geary; in Ardmore in the same county six houses were raided for suspects, while Patrick Grace, a farmer, and said to be incident of any charge was fired at in his home in county Kilkenny. At Killmallock, members of the Republican police were fired at when carrying out their duties and one of the party seriously wounded. In Stradbally, county Laois (Queen’s County) the military fired without warning on members of the Republican Fife and Drum band which was parading through the town. At Cappawhite, county Tipperary as many as eighteen houses were raided on one night and several gardens dug up in an attempt to uncover weapons. In the same week twelve house in Belmullet, Mayo were raided by the military.
Download Source: The Irish Bulletin 1918-1921, Friday, June 18, 1920, page 6.