Irish Newspaper Archives are proud to sponsor the Irish Famine Eviction Project. Dr Ciaran Reilly one of Ireland's leading researchers on the Great Famine and author of several books such as;
has embarked on a project to document, where possible, evidence of evictions during the years of the Great Irish Famine.
The purpose of this project is to unearth the physical locations, the names of the landlords , tenants names and any other relevant information in relation to the evictions. In essence the project is to paint a clear picture of the locations and the number of people evicted.
While historians differ on the actual number of people evicted during the Famine, this project will allow for a reassessment of how evictions impacted on local communities during the 1840s and after, and what, if anything, do individual evictions tell us about the local experience of removing people from the land during the Great Famine.
Through the Irish Newspaper Archives database; names, numbers and locations of the evictions can be found however part of the project's aim is to get active members from local communities to offer further evidence of famine evictions.

The first phase of research findings will be updated in early September, detailing more than 500 sites of eviction.
We invite all to participate in providing information or evidence of evictions during the great famine. Please feel free to share your research with the Irish Famine Eviction project.