Ireland’s greatest? Martin Sheridan from Mayo
Who was the greatest Irish athlete is a question that is often asked. We have had our fair share of Olympic gold medallists and even those who never claimed that ultimate prize could be considered amongst the country’s greatest. What about the exploits of Martin Sheridan of Bohola in county Mayo? Can he be considered for the title?
In 1934 the Kerry Reporter newspaper reported on the exploits of the Mayo and provides a very interesting account of the man and in particular one event in 1909:
Martin Sheridan, of Boholo the world's greatest athlete, won the All round National Championship at Celtic Park on July 4, 1909, just 25 years ago, but as he _staggered over the lino at the finish of the mile run which was the tenth and final event in the terrible ordeal he collapsed. The big champion rolled over on the track while the officials and attendance worked on him. He had been seized with a stich in the side during the early part of the race, but lie plugged along with the grit that has made him the wonder of the athletic world. As he feebly breasted the finishing tape he tottered and dropped to the cinders. He was carried to the infield and for nearly fifteen minutes his mind wandered and he groaned in pain. The desperate test was too much for even his phenomenal physique and he gave way under it. When revived he was the most disappointed person. "I wanted that 7,500 points, and I'll get it next year if I have to die in the attempt,'' he said. If I have to quit the Olympic frames at Athens I'll be here to make these points."
Martin did not know then that he had rolled up the unprecedented record of 7,385 points, beating the mark held by himself by 25 points. Theodora Mutzukes, a giant Greek, belonging to the West Side Y.M.C.A. was Sheridan's only opponent. He scored 3,718 points. As event after event was decided always the name of Sheridan was the winner, and in the majority of instances was given a greater number of points than ever before recorded. In the dash, the high hurdles, the hammer throw, the shot putt, the walk, the throwing of the 56 pound weight, he was victorious, and in each of these the long and high jumps, the pole vault he won in easy fashion.
His face wreathed in smiles as he started on his last journey at a fast pace. For a hundred yards he sped around the course. Rounding the turn out of the back stretch he was seen to falter. His lengthy stride shortened and his hands grabbed at his sides. Lawson Robertson, his trainer, and several other of the officials ran to him. '"I've got a stitch in my side," he said, "but I'll run that out of me. It's nothing. Don't worry.’ Vith both his hands holding tightly to his side he continued his journey. Mutzukes, who was several yards in the rear, began to catch up, but Martin refused aid from his advisers. "Let me alone," was all he would say as he waved his friends off. For another lap he continued without showing other effects from the strain. Then the pain became terrific and his agony was visible to all the onlookers. But for three laps he romped around the track in a condition bordering on collapse. Two hundred yards from the finish he knew no one nor heeded their warnings. He continued in a zigzag course to the line and fell into the outstretched arms of the crowd
When informed, after the contest, that he had broken the record and had performed in great shape, he said: "'I know I did well in the nine first events, but I know nothing about that mile run. In fact. I didn't think I finished. The last I remembered during that race was when Al Copeland met me on the turn and shouted in my ear, 'You've only one lap to go."" Martin's victory "was all that there was to the championship. Mutzukes performed pluckily but he was outclassed. The only event he won was the mile in which Sheridan collapsed..
For more on Sheridan search the pages of the Irish Newspaper Archive ( )