The Dalcassian began in Ennis, County Clare to show support for the shop hands who had gone out on strike in 1919. A very short-lived title. Printers. Extract: LABOUR'S RALLY! For slavelings and sluggards to waken for freeman to rally and call; For the earth and its fruits must be taken By Labour, the Monarch of all. We're finders of gold for the wealthy, We're death-dealing slaves for the strong Whilst stunted and starved and unhealthy, Our children go down in the throng.
The Dalcassian began in Ennis, County Clare to show support for the shop hands who had gone out on strike in 1919. A very short-lived title.
Printers. Extract: LABOUR'S RALLY!
For slavelings and sluggards to waken for freeman to rally and call; For the earth and its fruits must be taken By Labour, the Monarch of all. We're finders of gold for the wealthy, We're death-dealing slaves for the strong Whilst stunted and starved and unhealthy, Our children go down in the throng.
Edition Count | Page Count | Years |
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1919 |
1 | 4 | *Out of print |