Strokestown Democrat

The Strokestown Democrat whose proprietors were the Morahan family who had long connections with the paper

The Strokestown Democrat

The Strokestown Democrat whose proprietors were the Morahan family who had long connections with the paper, which for many years contributed local ' news, market and fair reports, reports of the local District Courts, Rural Council and Board of Guardians meetings, poetry and letters from readers as well as a wide range of advertising which was most beneficial and useful to its widespread reading community - the local farming community and traders. Its appearance each week was eagerly awaited by its North Roscommon supporters. Sadly, the Morahan brothers have passed to their eternal reward, but a lady member of that well known and well-liked family, Miss Nell Morahan continues to carry on the family journalistic tradition by providing weekly news items for another paper, "The Roscommon Herald"

   Edition Count       Page Count          Years           
                 1913 - 1948
         1,710      6,881      *Out of print